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Starting a Fire in an Emergency Situation

Anyone who has ever found themselves in need of a fire and tried rubbing two sticks together will tell you that it was not an easy exercise. Those who were with a similar need but had no dry pieces of wood will tell you that that was practically impossible. All of them would wish to have had a fire starter.


What we can learn from them is that if you ever go outdoors for long periods of time, it would be a great idea to carry a reliable survival fire lighter at with you. There can arise situations that need you to start a fire while out there. You, therefore, need a few examples of what could work.


Waterproofed matches make for a good choice in such circumstances. Avoid using paper matches, as they are hard to waterproof. Wood stem matches are ideal, as the heads can be coated in wax. The matches should be in a waterproof container.


Another option would be to carry a cigarette lighter in your survival pack. They are cheap, light, simple in use, and rarely fail. They have a great advantage in the fact that they can be lit using one hand. They, however, need replacing after a period, as their gas can either leak or dry up. If they are kept well, can last a long time. Even an empty one can give off one last critical spark to start a fire in an emergency situation. Know how to use a Ferro rod here!


Another type of fire starter is the magnesium and flint block. They are small and lightweight. They are designed to have an artificial flint on one side, with magnesium on the other side. It works when you shave off magnesium particles on the fire point, then strike the flint using something like the back of a knife, to give off a series of hot sparks. When they come into contact with the magnesium particles, a fire starts. These blocks cannot get wet, or run out; they also work in cold weather. They have proven to be very reliable as a fire starter. To gain more knowledge on how to start survival fire, go to


If your excursion involved the use of a car, you could have a flare stored in the emergency kit. This old be a fire starter as well. It burns in high heat for a long period.

Emergencies normally occur when we least expect them. It has always been a great idea to go prepared, as being far from civilization with no help can prove fatal. Ensure you pack at least two types of fire starting methods in your survival kit, just to be sure. You do not want to end up having to rub two sticks to get a fire started.

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